eMail Authentications & Valuations... The Fastest and Least Expensive Approach | This
Online eMail Authentication & Valuation approach can be done entirely on the
Internet by sending us digital images of your 3 very simple steps: |
#1: Digital Images: Provide
us with a clear digital image of each individual item you are seeking a value
on, by sending it to our email address ([email protected]). The digital
images should include a close-up image and include the entire object. If you don't
have access to a digital camera, you may send a good quality photograph(s) through
the mail, along with all the required information and payment. Please provide
an eMail address for our eMail response, as it will not be sent via US mail.
#2 - Item Specifics: Tell us about your item(s): - Describe
the Item
Tell us what it is, and any important details that will help
us in the appraisal process.
- Name
of Maker, Manufacturer, Artist, etc. (if known).
- Size...Measure
the item and provide dimensions, including "Height x Width x Depth".
- Condition
Report...Describe the condition as best possible. Describe any and all damage,
blemishes, flaws, chips, cracks, and anything else that may impact value. If you
don't provide a Condition Report, by default we will assume the item is in "undamaged
and unblemished condition", which may or may not accurately reflect its value.
- Marking
or Signature: Tell us how the item is marked and identified. Include a picture
of the marking, if possible.
- Other
Comments...Tell us anything else special about the item that will help us
to ascertain its value.
| Step
#3 - Payment: Payment Terms are as follows: - $25.00
for the first item, $20.00 for each subsequent item.
- Hourly
rates are available on 10 or more items.
- PayPal
Payments: Use applicable button below. For 3 or more item valuations, please
log onto to and send appropriate payment to: [email protected].
or MasterCard Payments: You can either call (215-345-6094) or eMail your Visa
or MasterCard information. We will need the credit card #, exp. date, 3-digit
verification number, as well as the billing address for the credit card, in order
to process the credit card payment.
on above encrypted button to pay for a 1-item Online eMail Valuation @$25.00
on above encrypted button to pay for a 2-item Online eMail Valuation @$45.00
| The
Online eMail Authentication & Valuation will consist of a prompt return
eMail which includes: - Brief
Description...We will provide a brief description of the item.
- Authenticity
Confirmation...We will tell you whether the item is an original, a reproduction,
or a fake.
- Our
Opinion of Value...We will provide you with a current Fair Market Opinion
of Value on each individual item.
| This
Online eMail Authentication & Valuation is usually best suited for dealers
looking to quickly price new or existing inventory, or for individuals seeking
to quickly confirm the authenticity and value of something they have purchased.
Unless we are traveling we can usually respond within 24 hours.
reserve the right to decline any request for an Online Appraisal if we feel that
we cannot honestly or accurately appraise the item via the Online method. |
Appraisals... A More Detailed Written Appraisal on our Letterhead | A
USPAP-compliant Appraisal is best done either by bringing your items to us, or
by having us visit your home. If neither of these options are feasible, it can
be done via the Internet by sending us digital images or by mailing photographs,
and the related specifics 3 very simple steps: |
#1: Digital Images: Provide
us with a clear digital image of each individual item you are seeking a value
on, by sending it to our email address ([email protected]). The digital
images should include a close-up image and include the entire object. If you don't
have access to a digital camera, you may send a good quality photograph(s) through
the mail, along with all the required information and payment. Please provide
an eMail address for our eMail response, as it will not be sent via US mail.
#2 - Item Specifics: Tell us about your item(s): - Describe
the Item
Tell us what it is, and any important details that will help
us in the appraisal process.
- Name
of Maker, Manufacturer, Artist, etc. (if known).
- Size...Measure
the item and provide dimensions, including "Height x Width x Depth".
- Condition
Report...Describe the condition as best possible. Describe any and all damage,
blemishes, flaws, chips, cracks, and anything else that may impact value. If you
don't provide a Condition Report, by default we will assume the item is in "undamaged
and unblemished condition", which may or may not accurately reflect its value.
- Marking
or Signature: Tell us how the item is marked and identified. Include a picture
of the marking, if possible.
- Other
Comments...Tell us anything else special about the item that will help us
to ascertain its value.
| Step
#3 - Payment: Payment Terms are as follows: - $
- $125...two
- $145...three
- $150/hour...4
or more items (one hour minimum)
- PayPal
Payments: Use applicable button below. For 3 or more item valuations, please
log onto to and send appropriate payment to: [email protected].
or MasterCard Payments: You can either call (215-345-6094) or eMail your Visa
or MasterCard information. We will need the credit card #, exp. date, 3-digit
verification number, as well as the billing address for the credit card, in order
to process the credit card payment.
Click on above encrypted button to pay for a 1-item USPAP-Compliant
Appraisal @$75.00 Click on above encrypted button to pay for a 2-item USPAP-Compliant
Appraisal @$125.00
| The
USPAP-Compliant Appraisal will consist of a prompt written response on
our letterhead which includes: - Brief
Description...We will provide a brief description of the item.
- Authenticity
Confirmation...We will tell you whether the item is an original, a reproduction,
or a fake.
- Our
Opinion of Value...We will provide you with a current Fair Market Opinion
of Value on each individual item.
| This
USPAP-compliant Appraisal is usually best suited for individuals seeking a written
appraisal for Insurance, Inheritance, Legal, or Estate purposes, or for individuals
seeking additional information beyond just confirming authenticity and value.
Our usual turnaround time for these appraisals is 3-7 days after we receive the
request. However we can provide a quicker e-mail or verbal opinions, followed
up by our written appraisal.
reserve the right to decline any request for an Online Appraisal if we feel that
we cannot honestly or accurately appraise the item via the Online method.
us at (215)-264-4304 to discuss your personal property appraisal needs.
Ivankovich, GPPA, MPPA
Personal Property Appraiser
Doylestown, PA 18901
[email protected]
Web Site: